Friday, November 27, 2009

This class i completed rate my music, practiced with the group, and lost ALL the work which I had spent the major part of the period on because the computer crashed.... -.-It was a productive class work wise, but all the work i did endded up being counter productive.

Rate your music -.-

Monday, November 16, 2009

What i did this class... Nov 16

This class, we practiced for 30minutes. Then, I staretd doing the work which was to play a game. This game is terrible because my keyboard has tones of cool down, and also, it is strenghthening my agility fingers for guitar. This website is hyper counter productive. First, it destroys our sense of rythm, our ear drums because of the load sound, and because it is taking over time which we could be passing by playing REAL music.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nightlife Video